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  Architectural rendering helps get a project off on the right footing. It is an essential aspect of the design phase and will assist clients in visualising the final product. Essentially, they will be able to see what options they have—depending on their budget. Moreover, they’ll get a feel for what works best for the building they are proposing and the setting in which it will stand.

What is architectural rendering? 

Architectural rendering is all about photorealism. Using rendering software and the tools they provide, a designer can apply various finishes to all aspects of the build right there on the screen. Both exteriors and interiors can be planned in high detail. And along with it comes many benefits as well.

Benefits of rendering techniques in architectural design

It isn’t only private residential builds that benefit from detailed rendering techniques. Whatever the build type, using photorealistic visualisations will help produce an image of the final product that can assist in several ways. 

Applying for planning permissions partly depends on how a building will fit with its surroundings. And removing any guesswork will cut down on delays and unnecessary costs for the architect, as they don’t need to continuously rethink their ideas. New finishes can be applied to the 3D model and presented with various options. It can also assist with marketing, as potential customers are more likely to commit to something that they can visually imagine. 

Another key advantage to using architectural renderings is for diagnosing potential construction issues before you break ground. Experts can assess any obvious issues with the assistance of a life-like replica of the finished project. Again, this is worth its weight in gold, as changes to plans take time and money to achieve.

Architectural rendering techniques

There are many architectural rendering techniques that can be utilised to create the most realistic model. They each have their own benefits to bring to the table and are all worth considering. Some may not be necessary, depending on the project type. But having all of these tools available means that the possibilities are almost endless.

Virtual walkthroughs

It is one thing to see the exterior or interior of a build and how it nestles into its natural habitat, but without being there in person it can be difficult to imagine how it would feel to live or work there. Virtual tours of a building are a fantastic way to take clients to the site and feed their imaginations as they move step by step through the finished product. From a marketing sense, this is important, as clients need to form a sense of how a building will adapt to their everyday lives.

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Visualising exteriors

It is difficult to fully appreciate how a building will blend in with the local area without seeing it there in front of you. Certain finishes don’t match the location in an aesthetic sense, and some roof types, for example, won’t blend seamlessly with the chosen landscape. It’s also possible that parts of a building may create access issues that are difficult to foresee until an image is put in front of you. Exterior visualisation removes any uncertainty before the project moves forward.


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